Well, there's a few days that I've not posted anything on the blog. I have a lot of ideas to write about. I just don't have enough time.
Here on this post I will just show some pictures that I've taken.
The most of these pictures were taken today.
I also can just say that I have had a lots of good experiences here and I am enjoying everything.
More posts about my experience, nice and funny things here in Canada are coming soon.
I hope you like this post. Hugs...
Let's get started.
Panoramic of a little part of the city.
Canadian Pacific and the Catholic Church.
Catholic Church.
Bottom of the Church.
Front of Church.
Here you can see how high it is.
The temperature in the Winter is so cold that the water of river freezes.
Esplanade, where happens concerts, shows and plays.
I don't know what I am doing either. lol
I just wanted to take this one.
Not sure what it is.
The tunnel that goes underground the train tracks.
Train station.
Canadian Pacific train.
Canadian Pacific train.
Train station Canadian Pacific Railway.
Another beautiful Church.
Third floor of the Transit Terminal and Parkade.
Just showing the roof.
I still don't know what I do! lol
OK. That's enough!
Street, at the bottom there's the most beautiful bridge of the City.
I just thought this would be a nice pic. My friend that was with me said she saw a face on the window. She ran away. lol
Earl Kitchener. I am not sure what is that.
Get out of there crazy boy!!
Some of Canadian houses.
Do you already know why I love this tree?
Bridge seen by the window of the Public Library.
Public Library. I really love it!
Do you know these tall guys?! Lol. They are Brazilians that study at the Medicine Hat College. They're also the best Basketball players from there. Their names are Guilherme and Pietro.
On the picture are : Me, Clara, Guilherme, Helloisy's host, Pietro, Igor, Gleyce and Helloisy.
(Nobody told me my cap was crooked.)
That's it guys, I hope you have enjoyed. Please, like my page on Facebook.